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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Monday, February 27, 2017

Stay in the Light - Part 1

I, here and there, read other blogs, and I pay attention to the news, probably too much. There are certain unsavory trends that keep popping up. Bloggers write of them, sometimes pro, sometimes against. Many of the supposedly spectacular productions seen on TV during award and big time sports, are chock full of these trends.

What are the trends? A sort of pagan revival. I say sort of because I am quite sure that they do not accurately repeat the ancient rituals, and let's hope they don't.

Humans like big showy spectacle. Our modern churches, let's be honest, are fairly drab affairs. So, folks seeing Lady Gaga or BeyoncĂ© or any of a host of performers come out in costume, with lights and explosions and wild dancing, are drawn to it. I understand that, but I doubt most folks are aware that what they are seeing are ancient occult rituals being updated, albeit without most of the spiritual beliefs attached. Actually,  when it comes to the performers, or at least those writing and producing their material, they may understand fully the spiritual aspect.

Funny thing about some kinds of spiritual practices; even if the worker doesn't believe a bit of the ritual, the ritual works. It is almost a mechanical thing and it serves the purpose it was designed for, the summoning of spirits. Yes, spirits exist. However, many of them are not the sort of beings you want to be summoning.

The performers who act out these occult workings have a habit of not ending up in very good shape, with alcoholism, drug addiction, sexual troubles, insanity and even suicide resulting. Well, they don't do the audience a whole lot of good either. In case you haven't noticed, the World has problems. That has always been true, but any objective analysis will show that our current issues have become downright bizarre.

These issue are pointed out all over the internet, by countless bloggers. Many count themselves as experts on and practitioners of occult ritual and speak of a great neo-pagan movement. Others, while pointing out the issues, are seemingly afraid to take a stand against this movement. I suppose they feel that to do so would make them seem old and very unhip.

Personally, I look at the days of yore, when the Mystery religions thrived and pagan rituals filled the eyes and ears of humanity. I know of the days when 'the old gods' were summoned, and I know how they were summoned. And, I know that as long as humans mucked about with these entities, whatever they are, dark times ruled the Earth and mankind struggled mightily to get along, to grow enough food, to deal with disease and the whims of nature.

With the rise of Christianity, things changed. Jesus is referred to as 'Logos,' the Word; but, keep in mind that Logos is also the root of logic. The Word is rational, logical. From here, we began to think of God as being rational in his Creation of the Universe. Anything rational can be studied and its governing laws discerned. From this, we began our understanding of this World and began our long slow crawl out of the muck and mire.

You will often see it written that the Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, developed as a reaction against Judeo-Christian beliefs. Do not believe that. Next time, I will discuss the Enlightenment. Please check back in a day or two.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Civil Discourse

I have a bad habit of watching the news. Yes, I know, it is a terrible habit and I have often sworn that I would abstain, but, like a drunk to wine, I keep backsliding.they have the truth, they and only they. How that works is beyond me bac

It is amazing to me to hear and see the absolute vitriol being spewed by all sides in our current National crisis, and do not be fooled, it is a crisis.

Disagreements are fine, no one, save our creator has a monoply on truth. In fact, I can think of nothing where any one of us has the total truth about anything. We all grope in the dark, finding occasional, small bits of light that we cling to, and, hopefully, try to share with each other. Everything else is speculation.

Yet, to hear those ranting and raving across America, they, and they alone, have the truth. How that works is beyond me since each truth they speak differs from the truths others are speaking. Something is wrong, obviously, but instead of admitting that they may have a bit of their truth wrong, they all start screaming at each other. I am not picking on any one group. All sides are guilty.

The screaming has to stop, as does the inane name calling and all acts of violence. I suppose I should say that we should have love in our hearts for our opponents, but that is not going to happen any time soon. For now, let's just try and show a bit of civility and respect.



Monday, February 20, 2017

Righteous Mistrust

It is our spiritual duty to be mistrustful of those we don't know. The obvious examples of this are found in the speeches of politicians. Just because a Senator or President says something, don't trust them. Even if you like them. Especially, if you like them.

Rare is the political leader who will speak simple truth. They will twist things to their advantage. Even when using facts, they will pick and choose and slant things to their purpose.

Same goes for supposed pundits, those talking heads who analyze every move made in the land. Just because someone is on a TV news show, doe not mean that they have any real clue what they are talking about, but you will never hear them admit that.

Teachers, Professors, historians, scientists, artists, most of these people have some flaw in their character that prevents them from telling simple plain truths and few of them will ever say the words 'I don't know.'

Further, and reluctantly, I have to apply the same analysis to most religious leaders. I have heard ministers of all faiths get up and spout chapter and verse as if they came from the mouth of God (they didn't; men wrote them) and go ballistic when questioned. I have heard them quote Jesus as if he were standing in the room, when, in fact, sadly, we are not exactly sure what Jesus said (the Gospels were written years after His death, disagree with each other on many points and the there are all of those other Gospels found in recent years). They often overlook the fact that the words they are speaking and the stories they are re-telling only make sense within the cultural  and historic context of their times. It is fine to extract the timeless truths, of which there are many, from those words, but that is far different from taking them literally.

Think for yourself. Be doubtful of what you are told. Maybe it is the truth, maybe not. Generally, the truth is somewhere in there, nut you have to use your brain and sort things out. We have a sacred duty to use our minds.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Let's Try the Truth

I am not going to get political today, but, watching the news now and then, I am struck by the obsession we have developed with secrets. Plans and plots are leaked to the Press and Government officials go ballistic. Internationally, plots abound and covert actions are the norm.

So, I started thinking. What do we have to lose by just telling the truth. If we are contemplating military actions, just say so. Now, you don't have to give exact battle plans, but, face it - once the battle starts, folks are going to know.

Want to manipulate economies - just come right out and say it; again, the truth will come out. At least, if everyone knows, the playing field will be level, sort of.

If we don't like certain people and don't want them here, just say so. Stop hiding behind phony fronts. For once, have the courage to speak your mind. Again, why mislead people when your actions will reveal your thoughts eventually.

By hiding the truth, by behind the scenes manipulation, by secret alliances, we accomplish nothing. This game has been played for as long as civilizations have existed and it is a bad game, a losers game, that never, ever works out well. Instead, things simply get more and more twisted, until finally, well, you see where we finally end up, in our current mess.

From the President on down, just once, I would like to hear someone say what they mean, not just politicians, but business people, educators, religious leaders, mams and dads.

John Lennon once did a song called Give Peace A Chance, a wretchedly simple minded song. Far better would be Give Truth A Chance.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

In the Green Tree

Perhaps my favorite Bible passage is Luke 23:21, 'for if they do these things in the green tree, ehat will they do in the dry."

When Jesus is called the Nazarene, we are taught that it is because he was from Nazareth. This may not be exactly true. The name may be derived from the Aramaic word 'nazur,' meaning a green shoot. On a plant agreen shoot is where new life, new growth is occurring.

Jesus can be thought of a the green shoot, the new growth, not just of Judaism, but of Humanity.

He spoke this as he was about to be crucified being beaten almost to death. He was warning those gathered that if they could do this to such a supremely alive man, filled with the Power of the Creator, what horror could be done to those stumbling through their lives half dead.

We have seen evidence of those horrors ever since, and friends, the horror is building.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Calm Down

I like getting excited. I like being noisy on occasion. I have been known to get obnoxiously rowdy here and there, But, I enjoyed those things in a positive atmosphere.

I look at the news and I see people being excited, noisy, obnoxious and rowdy, but in a very negative context. Protesters in the street, on a daily basis, are getting off on being excited in this negative context. If they are at all in their right minds, which is questionable but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, they know that all of their marching, screaming, cursing and rock throwing is doing no good, in terms of accomplishing their stated goals.

All they are doing is further dividing this already broken Nation. Spiritually, they are doing real damage to all. Spiritual growth should involve civil involvement, but first and foremost, you must respect the dignity and humanity of those you oppose and you cannot do this when you are screaming obscenities,  breaking windows, and setting fires.

Protest if you think it is the right thing to do, but, while doing so, keep in touch with your soul and realize that is something you share with your opposition. Then, we can have meaningful, constructive dialogue. Calm down. Do not get caught up in violent emotions, Realize that all you are doing is enjoying the rush of excitement that does more harm than good

Friday, February 3, 2017

Football and Celebrity as the American Religion

In large part, the spiritual life of Americans is not Christian, Jewish or any thing remotely based on traditions. Americans worship sports, especially football, and Celebrity, movie stars, musicians and rich folks in general. These are not original ideas, but they are worth a restatement.

In small towns, Friday night high school football is a ritual like few others. Towns live and die, figuratively, by their school teams. College alumni will give every thing they can to their alma mater while neglecting the poor and sick in their own town. This weeks Super Bowl will undoubtedly draw more viewers than any church around. Heck, I truly think it might outdraw the Second coming if they coincided.

There are people who know far more about Kanye West and Kim Kardashian than the teachings of Jesus. Bruce Springsteen resonates with more people than the Psalmist. Madonna speech at a political rally got a lot more attention than an appearance by the Virgin Mary would.

I am not religiously obsessed nor am I any sort of fundamentalist, I love to see people have fun with sports and music and movies. However, can't we put things in perspective?