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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Saturday, June 11, 2016

The Symbol of the New American Religion

All religions need a symbol, so our new American religion, The Church of Who Knows, will have an appropriately representative symbol, one that captures the essence of our beliefs.


I think the meaning and implications of this profound symbol are obvious for who among us, brothers and sisters, has a clue what is going on, why we are here, and who is running the show. It is a humble symbol and I would prefer that it remain simple.

I thought about adding frills and colors. I thought about learning the craft of Medieval monks and illuminating the letter and while I admit that such decoration would be lovely, I do not want this New Religious Movement to be thought pretentious, so let us keep things plain.

Now, if you wish it put it on a chain around your neck, like a crucifix, I approve. Also allowable will be t-shirts and caps with that logo, bumper stickers with a '?' decal, and letterheads and business cards displaying your belief. Actually, you can do whatever you please because, dear brothers and sisters in confusion, I really do not care what you do with it. This is to be a Church without dogma.

Remember, this Church is not based on beliefs, but questions. Our guidelines are the facts, and because there are darn few hard core, iron clad facts about this Cosmos, we have few such guidelines. Remember, the keys are kindness, help, non-judgementalism and forgiveness. Nothing else really matters.

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