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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Celebrate Each Day

Each day is unique. Keep that in mind.

We humans see patterns and it is all too easy to fall into cyclic thinking. Monday starts the work week, Friday signals the coming weekend. Saturday is party day. Sunday is rest up for Monday day. Well, it used to be that way. Now, folks work so many different days and hours that what was the norm is no longer normal, but most everyone has some kind of routine to their week.

Then, we have the cycle of holidays and we sort of view the World in those terms. Soon, we will have Memorial Day, although almost no one remembers its original meaning. When I worked at a school, it was, "hooray, school's almost out" day. But, you get my drift.

There is nothing wrong with this cyclic view, unless it becomes a trap, a routine. Then, even Christmas can become just a half boring routine we go through each year. Still, it is human to measure time this way.

But, and this is sometimes hard to do, if you can view each day as unique, and they really are, then you have cause to celebrate each day. Tomorrow is Wednesday, and those of you working and old fashioned work week may want to say, "oh boy, hump day, weekends almost here." Fair enough, but since you do that every week, it's not much cause for celebration.

Suppose instead, that you say, "wow, this is a new day, unlike any other. Then, you have given yourself cause to celebrate and break old patterns. Since you are in a new day, no longer thinking of it as just another Wednesday, you are free to do something totally 'unWednesdayish." Maybe take your partner out to dinner, instead of waiting until Friday, or get together with friends instead of waiting until Saturday. Maybe visit a place of worship instead of putting it off until Sunday.

Think, just by changing the way ypu think, and turning each day into a celebration, you are on the way to changing your life.

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