
Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com


Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Not to get all melodramatic, but the drums of war are pounding yet again, and these are pretty big drums. I am not a pacifist. I fully believe that we have a right to self defense and the defense of friends and family. If attacked directly, I believe the Nation should act defensively. But, that is not what we are doing. In Syria, the issue is in part control of oil ports. In N. Korea, it is the manipulation of China. Yes, kids were gassed in Syria and that is nightmarish, but we have conducted air strikes all over the Mid East that, by our own admission, have killed many thousands of civilians, so we have no moral high ground. Yes, N/ Korea developed Nukes. So did England, Russia, France, China, Israel, India, and Pakistan and we did not engage in this stupid game od nuclear chicken with the,.

I am in no way defending Assad or the weird kid in N. Korea. They are monstrous, but, again, we have supported and continue to support, many monsters (just look at our good buddies the Saudis). Again, we have no moral high ground.

The real reason these threats are flying is simple. The leaders of all of these Nations, ours included, are sick, sick with a lust for power and are trying to prove who is the baddest guy on the planet. I believe the Hindus call this being stuck at the third chakra (or the second. O always get them mixed up and my apologies to any Hindus). We must at least try to get a grip on this sick, evil despotism or one day soon, we may all be glowing in the dark and this lovely Planet will be devastated.

Jesus said that if struck, we should turn the other cheek. Ay least that way, we can think and give our assailant a chance to reconsider. We have not even been struck yet. Every side in these conflicts need to slow down and back off. If Putin and Trump and the Iranian Ayatollah and Netanyahu and the Korean Kid want to fight, let the WWE set up a steel cage match, charge as pay per view and donate the profits to charity. It would be quite a show and maybe, when they see how idiotic and childish they look, we can all sit down and talk,

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