
Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com


Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Wednesday, May 31, 2017


A certain amount of pride is commendable. One should do their work and live their life in a way they can feel good about. However, don't overdo it.

I have always been proud of my work and generally justified in my opinion. All well and good, but that translated, over time, into a great belief in self reliance, almost an arrogant attitude of 'I can do anything I have to. I don't need help. Worse, I expected the same of everyone.

Well, God, fate, karma, call it what you will, has a way of slapping you in the head when you grow that proud. Recently, I have had vision problems, to the poiny where I could read nothing and was having difficulty crossing streets that had even light traffic. This was, to say the least, disorienting, but it sure gave me time to think.

None of us are all that independent. We all need help and there is no shame in asking. Now, that doesn't mean we should do nothing for ourselves, but, never be embarrassed by needing a helping hand. More importantly, always be ready to help anyone in need. Especially remember those who have physical issues, the result of aging, injury, or just being dealt a bad hand at birth. Your body, no matter how healthy you are, will at some point start to break down and. as you ask for help. you will feel greatly ashamed at the way you sometimes ignored the needs of others.

My vision is returning. I still cannot read small print and can spend little time on line or watching TV, due to the glare, but at least I can cross a street without fear of getting run over and read the settings on the washing machine. Take care of yourself and take care of your friends, family and neighbors. Never begrudge the little bit of time and expense needed to help out.

Don't be overly proud because, in the end, we are all in this together. No one stands alone.

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