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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Find Something to Hold Onto

Ties are weird and getting weirder. Anyone who is honest must see the signs. Now, I am not going to preach a sermon about coming Apocalypses, but I am going to predict that something really strange is in the near horizon and we all need to be ready. It may be awful or it may be wonderful. Most likely, it will be awful followed by wonderful, but we must get through the awful. Some folks will have hard time coping.

How do you hang on when everything is going wrong? That's a tough one and many just give up. Just witness the horrific suicide rate among veterans and the equally horrific opiate problem in the land. I can only give one piece of advice.

Find something you cherish and hang onto it. It can be anything, a human, a pet, a garden, a memory. Just find something or someone, from sometime in your life that always brings a smile to your face and warmth to your heart. Often, the memory or knowledge that somewhere in this odd world there is something good, something lovely, can save you from an ever spiraling sense of despair.

That may seem incredibly simple but, often, the best things in life are simple.

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