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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Time Paradox

It has been said the time is an illusion. Well, yes and no. Time is a useful concept but impossible to define. Our measurements, days, years, hours, minutes, are constructs, a template we lay over a surface. A surface of what? Beats me. Eternity? Maybe, but again, that is a human construct.

Things do change and there does seem to be a pattern of cause and effect, but that is so comolex that we cannot possible keep track of what really causes what. Yet, we are born, grow old and die, at least the physical parts do. Still, if our essence, our soul continues past physical death, which it does in some form, what has really aged and died? An illusion? Sort of, but it is a persistent and lovely illusion.

You cannot time travel, yet, when you see the stars, they are no longer there since there light takes long light years to reach us. When you see a child, if you look the right way, you can see the adult he will be.

I guess the only thing to do is relax and don't worry about it. Observe time, just don't be trapped by it.

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