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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Words Fail

By necessity, this will be a short, simple post. My eyes are strained again. I love words. I enjoy the magic of conjuring images and telling tales with words. But, still, they are often woefully inadequate.

When it comes to speaking of matters of the heart, words cannot describe the feelings, the joy and the angst of falling in love, nor can the fully explain how, over years, those feeling morph from a rafing fire to a wonderfully warm glow.

In the sciences, physicists will tell you, when being honest, that we cannot conceive of what is going on at the quantum levels, even using our most abstract and precise language, mathematics. Biologists have no words to explain consciousness.

In theology, the matter is worse. Countless volumes have been written trying to descrine the Divine and our relation to our Creator and everyone has failed miserably. There are things that cannot be put into words and, as much as I love writing, I am learning to shut off the words and just enjoy the feelings.

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