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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Friday, July 14, 2017

America - Feeling Losr in the Insanity

I have not been writing much, partly due to eye problems and partly because I have about given up watching the news. But, I tuned in for a bit the other day and I am appalled by what I see.

Trump cannot govern this Nation, largely because he cannot govern himself. The an is a liar, a thief, and a bully. He weeps crocodile tears over a dying baby in England, while sending drones with bombs all over the Mid East, killing countless healthy children in the process. He talks tough,  but folds like ab accordion when in the presence of Putin, who is an even bigger bully and thief. Trump claims to be a devout Christian. Well, Donald, Christ truly had no use for greedy money grubbers and would be appalled by the monopolistic capitalism of the modern World.

Then, we have Congress. This collection of idiots cannot find their asses with their own hands, They have haffled over health care, to no effect. Several are saying that they should let that go. They cannot pass a budget, so they want to move on to tax reforms, more actually to giving money to the rich. Think. You cannot cur taxes until you know how much money you will need and you cannot figure that until you pass a budget And, you cannot budget until you know how you will spend on health care. Hopefully, when they take their summer breaks, they will be screamed and yelled at by their constituents, but probably not.

Which leads to the next problem. What has happened to the Nation? Have we become that stupid? I fear that the answer is yes. People are woo hooing over Trump and cannot see that all of his proposals are going to do nothing but make the rich richer. Or, they are cursing the fact the the Democrats are out of power, not realizing that they would be no different. Or, maybe the smart ones are the ones who have just given yp on the whole political process. That is where I am heading.

People must take their lives inn their own hands, form communities and take care of each other. WE must fine ways to get around the ruling elite, that loathsome combination of corporate avarice and government inanity.

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