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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Thursday, July 13, 2017

The Thunder Sermon

Recently, we have had more than a few thunder storms around gere, I have come to take them as sermons, beautiful reminders of our place in the Cosmos.

Electrical storms are dangerous enough to five us a bit of a tingle, but safe enough if you are indoors. They remind us of the World's power. The Creator has given his Creation a might that we cannot hope to match, except with atomics and let's hope we never see those. The incredible force shows us how tiny we are.

But wait. We are able to perceive these storms and contemplate them in a way that our fellow creatures cannot. We have that ability, that gift. Listen to the rumbles as they rise and ebb, as they harmonize with each other. The effect is sublime. And, since we have the capacity to build safe structures, we can enjoy the concert without real fear, unlike my last dog who grew petrified at the tiniest rumble.

Try this, Next thunder storm, turn off the TV and the music and just sit and listen. You will find  a sense of awe, and that is what any worthwhile sermon should produce.

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