
Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com


Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Monday, November 6, 2017

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Again, another mass shooting. I try to stay calm about such things and I certainly hate making dire predictions, especially g an Apocalyptic nature, but I also know when something truly weird is going.

In about 3 months, the USA has been hit with 4 hurricanes, 3 of them Category 4, a horrific series of wild fires, a Nor'easter that left a million without power, and had 3 mass killings, along with the usual insanity.

This series of disasters is Biblical in scope. Friends, something truly weird is going on.

Demons? Alien invasion? an alignment of the stars? Government mind control programs run amok? Saran> Beats me, but something [powerful that really, really does not like us is trying to raise its very nasty head.

How do you deal with this? That is the easy part. This whatever is attracted to and empowered by our fears, degradations, unclean lusts, and hatreds. Do not feed it.

Keep things light and wholesome, Avoid the dark, trashy areas of our society. Do not be mean spirited. And definitely express love as often as possible. These things alone are enough to defeat this inseen enemy.

Actually, they are a good idea all the time.

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