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Monday, November 20, 2017

Think About Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is here again and rather than recite the usual admonitions about remembering all the things you should be thankful for, I want to discuss the very idea of thanks.

The medieval monk, Meister Eckhart said that really the finest prayer was a simple thank you. Makes sense to me.

When we pray, we all too often are asking for something and that is fine as long as you realize that the answer you usually get is in the form of advice, pointing you in the right direction. Rarely do you get a direct intervention, a miracle. That is just not how the Creator works. But, if we heed the advice, we usually come out in good shape. Mind you, the advice does not come as a booming voice in the sky,, although that would be way cool. No, usually you just get feelings, Be thankful for the advice.

More to the point, we need to show our gratitude f, full  simply existing. We live in a grand Cosmos, full of beauty and wonder, and we need to show our Creator that we are thankfyl for our basic existence, our life.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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