
Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com


Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Call me old fashioned, corny, sentimental. Go ahead. I started to say, 'I don't care,' but I do. I will wear those labels proudly.

The old idea od Christmas as a time of closeness and giving is an idea that worked. It is vitally important that humans remember that we are social creatures. We need each other and, with the rise of social media, where you can claim to be 'friends' with people you never spend any real time with, even 'friends' with corporations, is a recipe for disaster.

Christmas is certainly a time for friends and family, but it can and should be a time for extending that circle. Try being a bit friendlier with business contacts and co-workers. Go out of your way to speak to everyone at Church. If you have nit been to Church in years, go, and speak to everyone you see. Volunteer at charities and Community activities.

Be human and you will gain the World. You will realize why the Creator cares so much for us.

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