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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Monday, December 4, 2017

The Meaning of the Season

Every tear, folks step forward to remind us of the true meaning of the season. I do not believe they stress the massage enough, understandably, because it is wondrously weird.
And, all too often, they begin over focusing on the vagaries of their own particular dorm of theology.

The meaning of Christmas is simple. God and man are reconciled. WE become linked to our Creator and He/She is fully in our World and in our lives. This is a radical step and the first time that a religion posited the intimate link between the Divine and the human, There is nothing like it in all the history of man

Think how strange this is. Soren Kierkegaard did. He stressed the utter absurdity of the fact that the Creator of this awesome Universe could care so much, nit just about the human race, but about each individual. He believed, rightly in my opinion, that each man and woman had to find their own way to deal with that amazing, and ion the surface, absurd  idea.

That is a daunting task. so get busy. Maybe the line form an old Carol qill help, God and Sinner reconciled.

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