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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Monday, September 19, 2016


Frank Herbert, in his brilliant science fiction novel Dune, used a phrase, 'fear is the mind killer,' as a sort of mantra that several characters used. I will go a step further. Fear is the soul killer.

Fear is an automatic response, based on a perceived threat to the body. All well and good. The body should try to survive, at least for a reasonable length of time. But, the mind can and should be able to override the body. It just takes discipline. This is necessary for the species. otherwise, a mother, sensing danger, would seek her own deliverance and ignore the dangers to her offspring. The mind, and all creatures have some sort of mental processes going on, overcomes the body's fears and from this come displays of courage.

However, we don't end there. The mind fears anything that threatens its existence. When we enter a new pattern of thought, different from old patterns that it was taught, it recoils. Now, there is no threat to the body, only to the ego, the sense of self, that is invested in the old ways.

The soul, to gain, must expand, and, in doing so, it greatly troubles the mind. Just read St. John of the Cross' Dark Night of the Soul. This is a battle, and it is fought on 3 fronts. mind, body and soul. The weapons used are fear, in various guises. When you conquer those fears, the 3 fronts become united and, you feel whole. At least for a while, because there will always be room for growth and that requires upset and travail. But, the further along you get, the easier the passage.

Now, you don't have to be idiotic. If the dangers outweigh the potential benefits, you don't have to leap in. This is what Jesus meant when he refused Satan's challenge to jump off a tower and have God send angels to catch Him ( tempt not the Lord). What is an unreasonable risk? Ah, that's the question that only you can answer, but here's a clue. You can answer that question effectively only when you begin to conquer those fears.

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