
Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com


Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Today is all we have. There is an old drinker's toast that goes, 'here's to today, tomorrow is only a promise." Will tomorrow come? Odds are it will. Will you still be here? Who knows?

Jesus said that 'man is caught in an evil net and knows not his time.' Philosophers as diverse as Heraclitus and the Buddha taught the impermanence of everything in the realm of time and space. You, as you are, will not exist tomorrow. Cells will die and be replace. The events of the day will change your thoughts.  The day itself, no matter how familiar it seems, will not be the same/ Creatures will have aged, the trees and flowers will be continuing their slow parade through their cycle, and the Earth will have undergone countless shifts in its structure.

Will any of us still be here tomorrow? Most likely, but certainly not all of us. Yet, this is not a sad fact. It is just a fact. What you do with that fact is up to you.

Some, realizing this constant change, which includes their own mortality, will sink into despair, a somewhat understandable, but ultimately childish. response. The wise will simply celebrate the day. You celebrate, not just with a party, although that may not be a bad idea, but also by doing your work and taking pride in doing well. You celebrate by doing right by your family and friends. You celebrate simply by enjoying the amazing beauty of this world.

WE have today. And, if we do it right, that's enough.

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