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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Pay Attention to What's Important

We just went through Hurricane Hermine. Well, actually, it passed through SE Georgia as a strong tropical storm. No big problems, no flooding, no trees down (around us), not even a loss of power. However, we lost internet service for about 11 hours and, here the next morning, we are still without cable service.

Now, I love to watch golf and has been looking forward to the coverage of the Deutche Bank Tournament in Boston. For awhile, I was fairly angry that I couldn't watch it. I am still a trifle annoyed, but that is passing quickly.

I just checked the news online and found that many are without electricity, a big chunk of Florida's Gulf Coast is underwater, and from the Carolinas all the way through New England, they are expecting severe weather. There is even a good chance the storm will redevelop  into a hurricane, then stall and pound the region for several days. Watching golf should be the least of anyone's worries.

And yet, we humans are funny creatures. Rationally, I know that my wishes are not paramount, yet, there is still a part of me that wants my cable service restored and is a might testy that it has not been fixed. Oh well, perfection is not in us humans. At least I know that what I am feeling is stupid and, as I write this, the annoyance is going away.

I hope that the forecasters are wrong, that this storm fizzles and drifts off into the North Atlantic, but, again, my wishes will not make that so.  Natural forces, powerful ones are in play and the desires of humans  are nothing compared to them. All we can do is be prepared, when possible, and just roll with the tides. Hang in there, everybody. Ride things out and before you know it, brighter days will come. Be safe.

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