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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

A Question of Balance

Besides being a fine album by the Moody Blues, a question of balance is the key to keeping yourself together spiritually, and every other way, as you progress through this lovely and strange world we live in.

First off, balance does not mean stasis. Nothing is ever completely balanced. Motion and change are what life requires. By balance, I mean a dynamic balance where in everything is constantly shifting but nothing moves to far to one extreme or the other and, if such a radical shift does occur, and such things happen here and there, a compensating shift follows.

In terms of our actions, there is a fine old saying, "all things in moderation, including moderation." You need not, nor should you, lead a life of total abstinence. You also should avoid complete debauchery, mostly. Actually, here and there, it is good for you to indulge in a bit of wildness, as long as, at some point you compensate with a bit of abstinence. Mostly though, the middle ground works best.

In your spiritual life, the same guidelines hold. Many people, exploring their spiritual side, become obsessed with their own holiness. This leads to a judgmental nature and a spiritual pride, dreadful mistakes. It is vital that spiritual practices be balanced with time spent in the everyday world. Both aspects make up our world and both need attention and respect.

Remember, so much in our lives is simply a question of balance. 

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