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Friday, August 26, 2016

Never Expect Perfection

Most religions, at some point or in some way, offer a picture of perfection. Christ and Buddha are each, in their respective cultures, portrayed as perfect beings. In Judaism, Yahweh is perfect. In Hinduism, many of the various gods and goddesses are said to be perfect representatives of the Divine aspect they represent (I know that sounds odd, but, as I have said before, I am not an expert on Hinduism and, no offense to anyone intended but, I find Hinduism confusing). Many religions, from the Greeks to the Chinese followers of Confucius and Lao Tse speak of a Golden Age of perfection and harmony, always somewhere in the distant past. The Jewish Garden of Eden myth is another tale of a Perfect Time.

Sorry folks, there has never been, nor will there ever be any such thing as perfection. The Universe is a seething, boiling mix of good and bad, brilliance and stupidity, life and death, and every other pair of opposites you can name. Not only that, the extremes just mentioned are never mutually exclusive. Always, all things, are a blend of the two extremes, caught on an ever shifting grid between the two, The Universe and everything that is in it, both the material and the spiritual (and we really need to stop distinguishing between the two) is a hodgepodge of shifting tensions. It is dynamic, ever changing. It is not now, nor has it ever been static.

In addition, it is not dualistic. The mistake of the various gnostic cults, whether Jewish (the Essenes). Manichean, Zoroastrian, or any of the countless Christian Gnostics, is their urge to divide everything into polarities. They have this deep urge to divide it all into good and evil, light and dark.They believe in no middle ground.  I guess that might make things simpler but it if just not so.

Creation is alive and to live, their must be tension, strife, change. There is also peace and beauty and harmony. And there is everything in between, and all things contain both extremes and the middle ground and all of it is constantly in motion, constantly changing. That is life. That is what has been Created, and continues, in ever moment, to be Created. Learn to go with it.

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