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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Thursday, August 11, 2016

What Religion Do I Practice?

Since I write on the topic, I suppose I should tell you what I believe. First, I believe in God. The Universe is just too complex to have been an accident. Having said that, I think of God as a Mystery. I can say little about the purpose of the Creator or his ultimate nature and I am fine with that.

I believe in Christian ethics. By that I mean, be non-judgmental, forgiving, and always willing to help. That to me is the essence of the teachings of Jesus and that works fine for me.

Since religions deal with how we think about the Universe, I recommend Buddhism as a Psychology (not as a religion in itself). It is the most sophisticated approach to how we perceive the world, the nature of illusion, and how the mind interacts with the external world to create our view of the world.

Finally, I would like to see us move away from mythology. I feel that we, the human race, have moved past that, and through properly conducted scientific research, we can begin to confront the wonders and mysteries of our home head on.

Anyway, that works for me. I suppose we all have our own views and all I ask is that you respect mine and I will respect yours, unless of course yours require injuring other beings unnecessarily. In other words, I refuse to acknowledge any belief system that requires blood sacrifice. Regretfully, there are those who still speak of such things. By the way, that includes all Christians who still speak of Jesus as a blood atonement for man's sins. That is the sort of mythological nonsense that we need to get rid of.

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