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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Friday, August 19, 2016

Stop Worrying

Humans worry. It seems to be inherent to our species, but, it is useful to learn to stop it, and it can be stopped.

Learn this. Realize it and embrace it. We worry because we do not know the future. None of us do. We can see trends and possibilities, likelihoods even, but not a definitive future. The Creator has given freedom to Creation, a great gift, indeed.

There is no predestination. Prophecies are no more than guesses. It might interest you to know that the works of the biblical prophets, Jeremiah and such, were written in Babylon, after the events had occurred. Prophet in the Bible did not mean a teller of the future. It meant someone who spoke for Yahweh. They were explaining why the Hebrews had been defeated and captured. They did make a few guesses about the future and, they were wrong. At least I have not seen Yahweh leading Israel into  battle and destroying their enemies. I surely have not seen their enemies bowing to them. bringing them riches and worshipping Yahweh. Nor do I expect to.

As far as Jesus, well, I am fairly sure he won't be popping back in. It has been over 2000 years and the Second Coming seems to have been naught but a wishful thought.

Why do humans keep believing that the future is pre determined? Simple. We do not like the idea that we do not know. I want to tell you that this is what is keeping the human race from solving its many problems.

Worrying does not solve anything. It simply makes you tired and old. Accept the fact that we do not know what will happen in the next 20 seconds and lose the burden of worry.

My Dad,  who love horse racing, told me a story that has always stuck with me. One day at the track, a nice day with out a sign of a storm brewing. one little cloud developed. One. After a race, as the jockeys were getting off their mounts, that one little cloud emitted one bolt of lightening, and that one bolt hit one jockey, killing him. That cloud then dissipated and was gone. One cloud. One lightening bolt. Completely unpredictable. Any of that man's worries, anything he had fretted over that day, suddenly, did not matter.

 Revel in the freedom that gives you. Then, get busy and do what you need to and what you want. 

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