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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Monday, August 8, 2016

Get Rid of Mythology

Mythology seems to be the way our subconscious communicates with our conscious. There are things that go on in the Universe that we have trouble grasping with our rational mind and we deal with them through stories and images, in short, poetically. For long, long years, that has sufficed.

But, like children, we grow up, and the stories and tales of our youth  begin to lose meaning. All over the world, as new discoveries are made and as humanity comes in closer and closer contact, the myths no longer work.

A rational person can no longer accept the Creation story of Genesis, anymore than we can accept the ancient view that the Earth sits on the back of a tortoise which is supported by 4 elephants. We know better.

A case can be made for using these old tales to show certain psychological truths but, more and more, even that does not work. Humans are so incredibly complex that simple stories are just that, too simple.

How then can we communicate the deep truths, the ones that we perceive sub consciously, in a less than rational way. The answers lie in science. Now, before you start laughing, let me explain. I do not mean science the way it is done now. Now, scientists search for answers that will most please the people paying for their research. They all but refuse to consider alternate theories even when an idiot can see that the current theories are at least partially wrong. After all, if you admit a mistake, the folks paying you may cut off the funding.

No, I am talking about scientific research that is open to ideas and that is daring and, most of all willing to say, 'hey, we might be wrong.'

That is the first step. After that comes the hard work, teaching the ideas to young people. That will be difficult but it will be far better to have them grow up in a world governed by rational laws, the laws set up by the Creator instead of a world governed by superstition.

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