
Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com


Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Jesus asked if worrying could add one second to your life, The answer, obviously, was and is 'no.' There are problems in the World, but all worry does is cloud the mind. Like fear, worry is natural. We don't know the future. Jesus also addressed this when he said, 'man is caught in an evil net and knows not his time.' He said that the World would go through times of earthquakes, volcanos, and 'wars and rumors of wars.' But, again, he said, fear not.

Worry binds you up. It causes your body to release an abundance of hormones, in a fight or flight reaction. Now, if you are in a situation when fighting or fleeing were appropriate responses, great. But, it you are just thinking of future possibilities, this reaction is not yet necessary and your nervous system goes a bit crazy. To make matters worse, some of those hormones, when unnecessarily released, degrade into harmful chemicals, and even worse, since the body can only produce so much of these chemical signals, when you need them, they may not be there.

When you find yourself worrying, ask yourself what good is it doing. The answer will generally be, none. Breathe deeply, then force your brain to think logically and try to weigh all options and possibilities. Your brain is a great servant, but a lousy master, and it can be controlled. This is where logic and reason come into play. Your forebrain can and will over ride the reptilian brain and the old mammalian brain and take charge.

Worrying about what has not yet happened is a poor strategy; planning is not. Use your head.

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