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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Friday, October 21, 2016

Don't Overlook the Small Blessings

Recently, during Hurricane Matthew, we lost power during the high winds a heavy rains. Those same winds and rains slowed the Power Company workers. We were lucky. We were only powerless for a day and a half. Some folks nearby were without for a week. Still, it was odd and, there was a time in my life that I would have been climbing the walls wondering what was taking so long.

But, I have learned to value the little things. I would have liked a nice hot meal, but, we had a bunch of things like cheese crackers and trail mix and canned sausages, and guess what? When you are hungry, they are great.

I would have liked to turn on the air conditioner, but we opened the door and, with the breeze (okay, strong wind) it was reasonably comfortable. No hot water made for an icy shower, but, still we got clean. And while I would have enjoyed watching golf on TV, it was nice to sit quietly and read and talk.  

Probably best of all was when those first patches of blue sky came through, indicating that the storm was almost past. The little things of life are important. If you learn to slow down and enjoy them, to savor the small blessings, you will be a lot happier.

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