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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Mother Nature Wins

As I sit here in Brunswick, Ga., a hurricane is coming. We figure to be hit fairly hard, but I don't think it will be as bad as the news people are saying. Still, it's nothing to play with.

I am always amazed by these huge storms. Having spent 50 years in S. Florida, I have seen a bunch of them, and they are awesome.

We humans are a prideful lot, and deservedly so. We have built fantastic structures and a world that would have seemed like a science fiction dream to my Grandparents. Still, every now and then, Mother Nature reminds us who the boss is. It is hard to describe the power of a storm carrying 100+mph winds. I have seen tall trees bent double and seen oaks uprooted like toys. I have seen roofs ripped off like they were Legos.

In theology, there is a term for this, mysterium tremendum. When you perceive the awesome power of Creation as beautiful it is called myterium fascenens. When you see it as terrible, that is mysterium tremendum. In the beauty of a hurricane, you experience the latter. Frightening? Yes, but it is beautiful, sublime.

When push comes to shove, Nature wins and, it is good for the soul to occasionally be reminded of that. If you are reading this and are in the path of the storm, use your head and you will be fine. The rest of you? A prayer for those in danger would be helpful.

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