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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Monday, October 24, 2016

Pay Attention

The human mind is a strange critter. The mind, contrary to what some neuroscientists say, is not just the brain. What it is, is just not known, but the mind perceives the World through the brain, which in  turn processes the information received from the senses.

The brain takes that data and turns it into a picture of the World. Seemingly, half the brain works in terms of totality and pictures; while the other half uses words. This is, of course a simplified view, but it is sufficient. All of this is needed for our survival but it limits how we see the World.

It is possible to turn this picture we paint and the mechanisms that paint it, off, for short periods. There are techniques: meditation, prayer, rhythmic movements, music, mental games (such as the koans of Zen), and even drugs (effective but a hard and dangerous method).

What happens then is wonderful. The boundaries between things, especially living things, becomes less substantial. You begin to see the exquisite glow of life shining through. Your World becomes a radiant wonder and, you never forget the experience. Life, when you  return to normal consciousness, is richer.

Now, this is not a state you can live in all the time, nor should you. You must return to normal thought to survive and do your work. Actually, you will seldom spend much time in the altered state. If you can hang out there for a few minutes, consider yourself blessed. So, on occasion, try to turn off your brain and see the fullness of existence.

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