
Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com


Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


One of the most powerful spiritual powers available is patience. Things happen as they happen. Now, that sounds simplistic, but stay with me.

Where I live, we experience Hurricane Matthew. Watching the radar as it approached was maddening because the details of its path determined just how much we would be affected. I finally stopped watching because it really did not matter what we were seeing, we just had to wait. Things unfolded as they unfolded and all the watching and worrying was useless..

We weren't hit too hard, but we had a mess. Electric power went off and there was much speculation on when we would get it back. Surprisingly. ours was back the next night. However, not far from here, it took a week.

We lost cable TV and the internet service, Since we got power back so quickly. it seemed logical that they would soon follow. Instead, we waited 10 days. Things had to be worked on in a certain order and we had to be patient.

You know, it wasn't so bad. I read a lot and talked a lot, got a bunch of rest and a fair amount of exercise. I also learned a bit about patience

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