
Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com


Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


True silence is rare in our current world. I guess that always it has been hard to find. A thousand years ago, when we lived more isolated lives, even a trip to a meadow would bring you some noise, wind, bugs, birds, but nothing like we have now.

I am currently in my apartment with the window open. I can hear the TV next door, traffic passing, birds, a neighbor yelling, wind, a distant train, a plane and a helicopter, and still, I would normal consider this a reasonably quiet day.

Here and there, I like to get up early, 4 AM or so, and go outside, especially if the wind is down. Then, with the birds and neighbors still asleep, things are very quiet. Sometimes, this is a good time to think, but, more and more, I like to go with the feeling and let my mind grow quiet.

No special insights are gained, no spiritual enlightenment presents itself, but, sometimes, not often, I can feel a presence, what Elijah called the still, quiet voice.

Those moments, and they never last long, are special, very special.

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