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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Monday, March 13, 2017

This Too Will Pass

I have been watching the news, a little bit. It is a bad habit and I must get a grip on it, because we are in a state of turmoil. All sides are at each other's throats, arguing about every bit of minutia imaginable. Actually, they are arguing about stuff that doesn't really exist.

Nations are no better, Iran and N. Korea are testing missiles, Russia is in the Ukraine, Syria and Iraq are being reduced to rubble. Seldom a day goes by without someone in Afghanistan and/or Pakistan blowing up a few of their neighbors. Holland and Turkey are threatening each other and the EU is in its death throes.

You know what, don't worry about it. Face it, your worry will not change things one tiny bit. The leaders, the idiots running the show, don't care one tiny bit about what you and I think. They are going to do what they are going to do.

If, in your own life, you have a chance to change something, do so. If you have a chance to help someone, do so. You must change what you can.

But all of these big issues, don't bother yourself with them. Pay attention. You should keep track of what's happening, at least in a general sort of way. Just don't get all caught up in it. Don't let it spoil your day because you only get so many of them.

And, guess what? All of these problems will pass. That is the nature of things. Then, in time, new problems will arise. That too, is the nature of things. The cycle will go on for a long, long time. Don't let it get you down.

Everything changes. New things come, pass their existence, then fade out. Everything, from quantum particles to galaxies, including you, is in a constant state of change. Next time you find yourself bemoaning the latest news, just remind yourself that this too will pass.

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