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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Spititual Traps

There are psychic pitfalls we all encounter on our spiritual journeys, spiritual traps. Those traps can be deep and difficult to get out of and they all stem from one issue, ego.

We all have ego problems. Let me say first, there is nothing wrong with having a bit of ego. Without that sense of self, we simply could not survive. The problem comes when we get too full of ourselves. A too large ego leads to power issues, with all sorts of side issues, such as sexual, problems, greed, and the search for political power.

But, the spiritual traps that egoism can lead to are the most troubling. It becomes so easy to have a genuine spiritual insight and allow that to go to your head. Next thing you know, you are sure that you have The Answer, the Way. This is how cults start and this is how Religion, in its organized forms, begins. From there, springs dogma and the death of true spirituality.

None of us knows all of the answers, We do not and cannot fully know the Mind of our Creator. We gat nothing but glimpses. Why? Beats me. I'm not the Creator. What is, is what is.

We can use our insights to point others in that direction, like street signs help you get around a strange city, but we cannot make the journey for them, nor should we. In addition, to continue the analogy, they may step off the trail we have told them of and find a second, equally valid path and that path may offer further insights that supplement and amend our original directions.

All of this sounds very vague, I know, but it has to be that way. In discussing spiritual matters, we are entering a realm where words begin to fail. We do the best we can with the tools available, but words can be frustratingly inadequate tools. Again, it's all we have. What is, is what is.

All I can say for sure is this. If someone  tells you that they have The Truth, the Absolute Single Truth, run quickly away. And, if you find yourself thinking that you have the Answer, realize that your pride, your ego, has led you into a spiritual trap. Looks at this vast, unthinkably complex Universe, and realize how small you are; then step out of the trap.

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