
Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com


Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Friday, July 8, 2016


There is but one rite that a new religion need, kindness. There is no accompanying ceremony, no ritual or liturgy, and it can be practiced anywhere, anytime,  by anyone.

Nothing can change the World faster than frequent acts of kindness, and, quite frankly, there is not much else you can do. I hope no one seriously believes that voting for either of the buffoons running for President will change things and it has become painfully clear that Congress is useless.

I used to think local government might accomplish things but, alas, no. Most local politicians are just miniatures of the big ones and if you want proof, look around. Mismanagement has ruined once thriving cities like Detroit and, in Flint Michigan, we have no idea what long term harm had been done by their mistreatment of their water supply.

I used to think that churches might be an answer but, again, no. I have dealt with an abundance of these self=proclaimed Voices of the Lord and find most of them useless. Want proof? Easy. Look around. Churches are now about divided between the mega-churches who fell the Creator is only interested in  how many they can cram into their massive monuments to greed and the tiny churches that preach a theology that would have been outdated in the Dark Ages.

No, friends and neighbors, the answers do not lie anywhere but within ourselves, within our own lives, our own communities and our own circle of acquaintances. We can be kind to each other, help our neighbors. say a few words of support, take a few minutes to talk to the lonely. If this were done in communities around the World, slowly, things would change. Yeah, it would take a long time, but it took a long time for the human race to get into the wretched shape it's in now.

At the very least, with very little effort on your part, your world will get better. Kindness should be the most important doctrine in any religion.

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