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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Thursday, July 21, 2016

What We Do KNow

After stressing that we really do not know a lot, I should say that we do  know a few things.

We know that this Universe in general, and this Earth in particular, are perfect for life as we know it. This is sometimes called the 'Goldilocks effect" and, by physicists, the 'Anthropic Principal'. Just the tiniest variance from the way things are and we aren't. Now, physicists for years have tried to say that our Universe was just a random event. Now, even those who have long declared themselves atheists, such as Roger Penrose and Martin Rees, are saying that there must be some intelligence behind the Universe; that the odds against it being random are simply to great.

We know that our history books are, at best, incomplete, and mostly just wrong. Egypt and Sumer were not the first civilizations. This we know from the discovery of temple sites, both underwater and buried in sand, that far predate the Pyramids and the Tale of Gilgamesh.

We know the basic mechanics of the World and the basic workings of life. Not much more than the basics, but at least we have a clue and can manipulate reality to our own purpose somewhat successfully ( although we do need to watch our step a bit more)

We know that the Earth was not created in 6 days, 6000 years ago. True, there are a considerable number of humans who cling to that notion but, there are also folks who still think the Earth is flat.

We know that biological beings change over time, morphing their way up the tree of life. We don't know how this happens, but, again, at least we have clues.

And, finally, we know that life, in spite of the countless heartaches and disappointments, is good. So, enjoy your day and enjoy your life.

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