
Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com


Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Monday, July 11, 2016


Another element of our new religion needs to be tolerance. You may think you have all the answers. If you think that, fine, but realize that others may disagree and likely do not want you hammering them over the head with your ideas. And, guess what, you probably are not 100% right.

We all have different ways of seeing the World. This is how it should be. God know, if we were all the same, life would be terminally boring and God may as well have created just 1 human. Since our Creator allows, even encourages diversity, I am fairly sure we should do the same.

A lot of our problems, and recent World and National events show that we have plenty of them, could be solved, or at least eased, if we would just be tolerant of other's views. If you just cannot stand certain people or certain cultures, stay away from them. When in a common area, say a store or government building, show each other respect, then go your separate ways. That's all.

This may seem like a simple answer and you are right. But I can guarantee you that if we all would back off, give each other some room and realize that none of us, not you or me or anyone else, has all the answers, not a one of us is perfect and that no one has a monopoly on God's benevolence, then, maybe we could start to work things out. It will be slow, but start we must, because this madness, this urge to slaughter, has got to stop.

Look at it this way. Your Creator tolerates you no matter how badly you have behaved. The proof of that is that you are still here to read this. Since that is the case, how dare you be intolerant of anyone else?

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