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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Monday, July 18, 2016

What We Don't Know

I heard someone once, when asked about some investigation say, 'we don't know what we don't know. I believe that this should be the motto of our new religion.

We humans are quite full of ourselves the crown of creation. Maybe that is a bit of an over reach. Yes, we have enormous brains buy it seems that we use very little of them and spend much of our time filling what we do use with useless junk. Now, I have no problem with useless junk, it can be a lot of fun, but we overdo it.

We think that everything we do is of vast importance. Well, most is not and much of what is important, we do wrong. Of that were not true, we would not be killing each other at the fantastic rate we are now seeing.

We think we know so much. We do have some things that seem to be facts but, are they? Our science presupposes that the rules it has made up are actually descriptive of the world. To a degree they are but only to a degree. Take quantum mechanics; the laws we have work within a certain limit of values, then they break down. Physicists tend to just want to overlook that inconvenient fact but, the guy who wrote those formulas, Paul Dirac chastised them mightily for that since they cannot justify simply ignoring answers that don't make fit their beliefs. He insisted that either his formulas were incomplete or that there were things going on that they just didn't understand.

Biologists still teach Darwinian evolution. One problem. It does not work. Fossil record show that biological change does not happen slowly. Instead it tend to happen in great bursts, followed by long period of stasis.

We only perceive a small range of the energies that exist. And that only applies to what we can detect evidence of with our most sophisticated tools. What else exists? We don't know what we don't know.

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