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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Friday, November 18, 2016

By Their Fruits

Perhaps the greatest spiritual advice is an admonition from Jesus; 'by their fruits shall you know them." This holds in almost every circumstance in life. Now that I think about it, that is not surprising since all of life is spiritual, although we often forget that.

Many people you run into in life will promise various things and deliver something else. We expect this in business and politics, although the fact that we do shows how degenerate society has become. Most do not expect that in religious matters. I have known hard core atheists who, for some reason, expected clergymen to be sincere, if incorrect. Many times, all too often, folks learn that those clergymen, and they can be of any belief system, are just as dishonest and avaricious as any hedge fund manager, actually worse, since more is expected of those in the religion business. This revelation of dishonesty and greed, not just for money, but also for power, id horribly disillusioning and, often this is what turns folks away from religion.

Okay, I have no problem with turning from formal religion, but, all too often, people throw out the baby with the bathwater and lose interest in all spirituality and that makes life far more difficult and bleak than it need be.

Whenever you are looking into anything, spiritual or otherwise, take some time and look into what is being done, not what is being said. Does a spokesman speak of deep spiritual matters while devoting all income to building a luxurious chap?  Be careful. Is great morality being preached while the preacher is leering at the young folks in the congregation? Be careful.

Again, in Jesus' words; 'By their fruits shall you know them.' Let this be your life's guide and your journey will be smoother.

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