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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Repenting is more complex than people think.. It is more than admitting sin and asking forgiveness. To repent, you must change your heart, your way of confronting and perceiving the World. Anyone can repent at any time, but ti is not easy.

I am writing this in the wake of our recent election. We had 2 very flawed individuals running for President. Okay, we are all flawed. Here is what I see as the difference. I could be wrong, but this is what I saw.

Ms. Clinton, instead of admitting her misbehavior, in any bit the most cursory fashion, kept trying to duck the issue. She obfuscated, she told blatant lies, and she tried to blame everyone else. This is just compounding the original transgressions.

Donald Trump has done some pretty sleazy things in his career. He admits it and seems to regret it, and seems to be trying to change. Why do I think he is sincere? Because, as the campaign went on, he began to speak with more and more compassion about the plight of the people he was meeting. I do not believe Trump had spent a lot of time around working class American men and women, but his style of campaigning forced him to do just that. I believe that he discovered that he liked us. After all, we are a lovable and admirable lot. As he discovered what we are all about, he, very naturally, began to want to help us solve our problems. In short, he has admitted mistakes, apologized, and changed the ay he interacts with the World. This is the essence of the act of repenting.

It is hard to stand in front of the World and admit your mistakes, and, no matter how his Presidency turns out, he is to be congratulated.

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