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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

See All Things As New

All too often, we drag ourselves through the days in a sort of bored stupor. We all go through periods like this. As a result, we all wait for the 'big event.' In Claude Brown's wonderful autobiography, Manchild In The Promised Land, he refers to this as 'the Saturday night syndrome.' This is the idea that, after a week of work, and before Sunday church services, something extraordinary had to happen on Saturday.

It can be something great, a new love, a hometown team wins, old friends come by, a party goes well It, oddly enough, can be something bad, losing a fight, getting drunk and winding up in jail, losing your paycheck in a poker game; all terrible things, but they are at least something different, something that breaks the boredom.

This is understandable, in a demented kind of way. However, it is demented, because, if you simply pay attention, you will see that nothing in this World, is ever the same, not from week to week, not from day to day, not even from nanosecond to nanosecond.

All of the World, everything in space and time, is in a state of constant change. To see that you just have to realize the truth of that statement, then pay attention. This is one of those things that, once you see it, your life will change forever and you will always be delighted with all of the little things of everyday life.

Now, I still like good company, a good show, and a good time, but, when nothing much is going on, that's okay too, because I can just slow down and see all the fine little doings of the World. Give it a try and you will make your life richer. 


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