
Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com


Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


I love Thanksgiving. It starts off a few weeks when we take time for tradition. It should be a time of joy, but, all too often, it becomes a nightmare, simply because we get sidetracked with unimportant nonsense.

You do not have to overdo things. Yes, I love all the great food, but it's preparation should not be stressful. You don't have to cook everything in the world, a few dishes are sufficient. Just be sure to have something for folks with dietary restrictions. If you find a difficult recipe, trust me; Thanksgiving is not the time to try it out. If you and your guests like tradition, a ham or turkey is fine, but, if your crowd is a bit more daring, try something else. What? Anything. Fish, lasagna, game hens, a nice beef or pork roast, or, one of my favorites, lamb.

For one day, put aside old family arguments and grudges. You can manage it for one day out of the year and it is possible that just that one day is sufficient to forget the issue forever.

If some members of the group want, after the meal, to watch football and doze,  fine. It's a tradition and it won't hurt anyone to do that for a day. If others like to go hit those early after Thanksgiving sales, let them. If others want to hike to throw a football around, fine. You don't have to all be together the whole day. Besides, later in the day, you can all get together to have a drink and nibble left overs.

The key, in fact the only important thing, is still the gathering together in a spirit of thanks. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.

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