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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Monday, November 7, 2016

Stay Calm and Focus on the Sacred

The election is tomorrow and, conventional wisdom says that our troubles are just beginning. No matter who wins, this Nation is so divided that neither of these amazingly unpopular candidates will be able to heal the rifts and, as I look around, I honestly believe that people do not want them healed.

We have always been more divided than we cared to admit, but things seem to becoming to a head. I have no idea what will happen. But, I do know how to cope.

Look deeply. The World is still here and will be so long after you and I are worm food. The Divine, the Creator, is still visible in this magnificent World and, although we all act like incredibly stupid children, the spark of Divinity is in all of us. Look beneath the surface lunacy and hunt that spark. You will often have to do a good bit of searching, but it is there.

That essence, you can relate to, maybe not the surface stupidity, but, the underlying essence. When you see this, you have something to work with, to relate to, and then, you can calm down and begin to see a common ground to begin work.

Of course, you also have to be looking inside yourself underneath all the layers of lunacy you have allowed to dominate yourself.

Also, realize that all this will pass and what will be left, ultimately is the soul, the Divine essence. All the rest of this nonsense is just a dog and pony show.

So, when you see your fellow Americans at each other's throats and you hear our leaders screaming like petulant children who have just lost their teddy bears, back off, calm down, and realize that all of this will give way to the Creator's gift of life and soul. At the same time, be practical and, when you see the crap about to hit the fan, duck.

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