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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Monday, December 12, 2016

Good, sort of

Having written last time about evil, I am going to tackle good. Just as tjere is very little pure evil in the World, there is very little pure good.

What is good for me, is likely not so good for another. Here is an example.

I am retired. Suppose I decide I am bored and apply for a job. Further, suppose I am wealthy and boredom is the only reason I want to work. Now, suppose that there is one other applicant, and he is desperate for the job; maybe he has 9 kids, a mortgage and a car payment.

Let us further suppose that we are equally qualified for the job. Now, let's say that for whatever reason, maybe I happen to come when the hirer is in a good mood and he's grumpy when the other guy shows up, I get hired. Hooray!

Most of my friends will also say hurray and will think my hiring a good thing.

On the other hand, my fellow applicant may not think it good, He was desperate for the job; I was not.

Let your mind roam a bit and I am sure you can think up any number of scenarios demonstrating moral ambivalence.

Just as you want to be slow to judge evil, be slow to declare something good.

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