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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Monday, December 26, 2016

The After Christmas Blues

I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas. The only problem is, it's over. A lot of times, there is a problem with holidays. When they are over, there is a letdown. The party is over and you are not quite ready for that. The work world is calling and you are not ready to answer.

Don't let it get you down and  don't beat yourself up. You are just being human/

The best thing you can do is be easy on yourself and everyone else for a few days. Smile a lot, laugh a lot, and if you have to force it, do so. Remember the fun, and regard every minute spent with friends and family as a blessing. Remind yourself how you felt in those pleasant times and carry it forward.

It is a truism that we should carry that Christmas spirit throughout the year. We should and if you can pull that off, congratulations; you are doubly blessed. Most of us fall short of that and that's okay. No one is perfect. But you should at least  try to maintain those feelings of warmth,  joy and goodwill to men.

The funny thing is, such feelings become a habit. The more you do it, the more it comes naturally. So, throughout the next few days, put on a happy face, and you will soon find that you actually are happy. We humans are very good at fooling ourselves.

 The post Christmas blues are no joke. Some people get seriously depressed during this Season. With most of us, though, it is just a touch of sadness. Actually, poignant may be a better word, kind of a sweet letdown. Ride it out. You'll be fine. But, if it gets to heavy, please, find someone to talk to about it. A friendly ear is of great help.

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