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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

Recent events in our political situation have forced me to pay heed to Jesus' advice: 'Beware of those in sheep's clothing who are ravening wolves'. I make it a point to leave politics out of this blog, but I need to make an exception.

Our current President-elect made a huge show of compassion for the working class of America. He expertly pushed all of the right emotional buttons and, all in all, it was a heck of a good act. Unfortunately, it appears to have been just that, an act.

How can I say that? Simple. First, he is dead set on lowering taxes on rich folks a lot, dropping them to about half the level they were under Reagan. This, he says will lead to a trickle down effect and the poor and middle class will prosper. Reagan said the same thing. It did not work then and it will not work now, As the saying goes, the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer.

Second, there will be no real assistance for those who need it because, what tax money that will be collected will be sent to the military. He keeps saying that we will rebuild the forces to WW2  levels. This will benefit the powerful who run the defense industry, who will likely stop paying corporate taxes and pay less income taxes. It will not help those who need it and we do not need to be that heavily armed (remember, we have enough nukes to blow the Earth into tiny bits; no one will ever dare directly attack us except terrorists and all the military on Earth will not stop them. An aircraft carrier will not stop a lunatic with a car an a knife).

In addition, a military cannot continue to justify its existence without a few wars. Do we really want to continue this cycle of endless war (again, remember, since WW2 we have fought in Korea, Vietnam, Haiti, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Bosnia, Grenada, Syria, Afghanistan, the Dominican Republic, Laos, Cambodia. Do we really want to keep this up in light of the clear facts that the only thing these wars have brought us are whole bunch of dead American kids).

Jesus also said, 'by their fruits shall you know them.' The fruits of our new leadership are likely to be very sour.

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