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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Calm Down

I like getting excited. I like being noisy on occasion. I have been known to get obnoxiously rowdy here and there, But, I enjoyed those things in a positive atmosphere.

I look at the news and I see people being excited, noisy, obnoxious and rowdy, but in a very negative context. Protesters in the street, on a daily basis, are getting off on being excited in this negative context. If they are at all in their right minds, which is questionable but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, they know that all of their marching, screaming, cursing and rock throwing is doing no good, in terms of accomplishing their stated goals.

All they are doing is further dividing this already broken Nation. Spiritually, they are doing real damage to all. Spiritual growth should involve civil involvement, but first and foremost, you must respect the dignity and humanity of those you oppose and you cannot do this when you are screaming obscenities,  breaking windows, and setting fires.

Protest if you think it is the right thing to do, but, while doing so, keep in touch with your soul and realize that is something you share with your opposition. Then, we can have meaningful, constructive dialogue. Calm down. Do not get caught up in violent emotions, Realize that all you are doing is enjoying the rush of excitement that does more harm than good

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