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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Thursday, February 9, 2017

In the Green Tree

Perhaps my favorite Bible passage is Luke 23:21, 'for if they do these things in the green tree, ehat will they do in the dry."

When Jesus is called the Nazarene, we are taught that it is because he was from Nazareth. This may not be exactly true. The name may be derived from the Aramaic word 'nazur,' meaning a green shoot. On a plant agreen shoot is where new life, new growth is occurring.

Jesus can be thought of a the green shoot, the new growth, not just of Judaism, but of Humanity.

He spoke this as he was about to be crucified being beaten almost to death. He was warning those gathered that if they could do this to such a supremely alive man, filled with the Power of the Creator, what horror could be done to those stumbling through their lives half dead.

We have seen evidence of those horrors ever since, and friends, the horror is building.

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