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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Civil Discourse

I have a bad habit of watching the news. Yes, I know, it is a terrible habit and I have often sworn that I would abstain, but, like a drunk to wine, I keep backsliding.they have the truth, they and only they. How that works is beyond me bac

It is amazing to me to hear and see the absolute vitriol being spewed by all sides in our current National crisis, and do not be fooled, it is a crisis.

Disagreements are fine, no one, save our creator has a monoply on truth. In fact, I can think of nothing where any one of us has the total truth about anything. We all grope in the dark, finding occasional, small bits of light that we cling to, and, hopefully, try to share with each other. Everything else is speculation.

Yet, to hear those ranting and raving across America, they, and they alone, have the truth. How that works is beyond me since each truth they speak differs from the truths others are speaking. Something is wrong, obviously, but instead of admitting that they may have a bit of their truth wrong, they all start screaming at each other. I am not picking on any one group. All sides are guilty.

The screaming has to stop, as does the inane name calling and all acts of violence. I suppose I should say that we should have love in our hearts for our opponents, but that is not going to happen any time soon. For now, let's just try and show a bit of civility and respect.



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