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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Friday, February 3, 2017

Football and Celebrity as the American Religion

In large part, the spiritual life of Americans is not Christian, Jewish or any thing remotely based on traditions. Americans worship sports, especially football, and Celebrity, movie stars, musicians and rich folks in general. These are not original ideas, but they are worth a restatement.

In small towns, Friday night high school football is a ritual like few others. Towns live and die, figuratively, by their school teams. College alumni will give every thing they can to their alma mater while neglecting the poor and sick in their own town. This weeks Super Bowl will undoubtedly draw more viewers than any church around. Heck, I truly think it might outdraw the Second coming if they coincided.

There are people who know far more about Kanye West and Kim Kardashian than the teachings of Jesus. Bruce Springsteen resonates with more people than the Psalmist. Madonna speech at a political rally got a lot more attention than an appearance by the Virgin Mary would.

I am not religiously obsessed nor am I any sort of fundamentalist, I love to see people have fun with sports and music and movies. However, can't we put things in perspective?

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