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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Tuesday, January 31, 2017


On occasion, I look around at various blogs and I am amazed at how much discussion still goes on about what are now called entheogens.

The word means, almost literally, agents enabling the finding of God within. In the old days, we called them hallucinogens and I would have thought that, by now, they would have gone the way of the dodo and the passenger pigeon. LSD. mescaline, Dom. MMDA, and psilocybin were the usual, but, now, the big deal seems to be ayahuasca, a concoction native to South America.

Use of these substances does not show you the 'face of God.' All they do is show you, in a confused, uncontrollable way, the way your mind works and how it perceives and interacts with the World. Ken Kesey, who certainly knew his way around these substances, said that all they really did was turn up the volume, and that's about right.

Now if your mind is fixed on spiritual matters, you may have a profound spiritual experience under the influence. The problem is that you will have trouble concentrating and remembering after and, your vision still must be interpreted and the drugs do not help with that. In fact, they are a hindrance.

Ayahuasca contains a load of DMT, a deeply deranging drug. Yes, it is found naturally in the brain, but we have no idea why and it is not a great idea to overload the brain with it. Remember, we also produce endorphins (internal opiates) and endocannabinols ( similar to marijuana's active ingredients) and you do not want to overload on either weed or opium.

Everyone seems infatuated with the fact that, on DMT, you meet many 'spirit beings." Now, I believe in spirit beings but, trust me, they are not all the same. Some are malevolent, some benign; some brilliant, some sort of dumb; and many are Tricksters. loving to prank humans. Humans must be careful in dealing with spirits and having your head full of incredibly powerful drugs does not promote care.

I hate the term entheogen. We used to call them hallucinogens, but they often produce no hallucinations. The other term was psychedelic, which means 'mind manifesting,' but since the mind is always manifesting, that is a rather silly term. Mind altering is the best term.

To those who view these chemicals as some sort of spiritual aid, let me remind them that LSD was a favorite drug of Charles Manson and the Hell's Angels. That should give you some idea of the spiritual efficacy of these wretched substances.

Again, I thought this subject would have been closed long ago, but, it won't go away. Do not use these substances. If you want to commune with God, ask, and If God wants you, believe me, you will be contacted.

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