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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Go Softly

As we rush through our days, it is all too easy to grow harsh. Yelling, cursing and bulling our way through the world has become a rule of life in our hectic modern times. We all fall into this behavior and, it needs to stop. Or. at least. ease off.

If you are confident in your self, if you are centered, you do not need to be that aggressive and harsh. You should not let others force you to become that way. Our recent Presidential elections were a disgusting display of irrational temper, brutal backbiting, and cruel, tasteless humor.. In my years of working, all too often, I saw employer-employee relations degenerate into such dysfunctional modes.

When discussions reach the point of bitter argument, all sides have lost. Step back, calm down, and be cool. Stay away from harsh words and screaming. If others won't follow, walk away, because not only will nothing be solved, other problems will develop,

Elijah heard  God, not as a tempest, not as an earthquake, but as a 'still. soft Voice.' Slow down, think, and make yourself quiet. In the long run, your life, and the life of those around you, will be much better.

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