
Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com


Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Friday, January 20, 2017


This is not a political blog and I will never change that. However, on the day we are Inaugurating a new and extremely controversial President, I will speak of respect.

We are all children of our Divine Creator and we can and must acknowledge that by respecting each other. Respect breeds manners, which in turn creates an atmosphere conducive to dialogue. Dialogue is not screaming idiotic slogans and hurling threats. It is not attempting to shut down conversations over our disagreements.

Without respect, families are impossible and become nightmarish traps. Businesses do not work well without a respectful attitude shared by management and workers. Mutual respect is a huge part of team sports and a cornerstone of successful education.

People disagree and that is fine so long as the various sides are respectful. I have seen many business debates result in unexpected and successful solutions to problems. So, every one out there in American and around the World, chill out. You may disagree with the incoming Administration. You may think them personally unlikeable. That is 100% okay, as long as you deal with them with respect. Of course, they need to show you the same respect in return.

We are all God's children and, as such, we must treat each other with respect and dignity. To do less, is to insult our Creator.

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