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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Humor and God

All  too often, religious discussions, ceremonies and sermons are very heavy, very somber and deadly serious. Sometimes, we seem to believe that our Creator is a dour, gloomy being, who wants us to be struggling through this World of woe, this veil of tears.

In a word, no. I do not. cannot, and will not, believe that God intended us to go through these very short lives in such a somber state. This World is glorious, beautiful, and full of fun. We should revel in its abundance and beauty and have as much fun as we can possibly have.

Yes, work is important (although, once you get the hang of it, you can look on work as fun, as a game). Yes, life has sorrowful moments. But, these travails just set the stage for times of joy.

If a loved one dies, of course you mourn, but you need not mourn forever. You may iss them for the rest of your life and you may feel a twinge of sadness when you think of them, but why not remember all th good times you had together. All your mourning will not bring them back, but, remembering the good times you had together can, in a way, bring them almost back.

It's your choice. You can go through your life sober and somber, stern and unsmiling. Or, you can put on a smile, have some fun and enjoy your time. Just don't make the mistake of thinking that God does not admire good humor. You want to avoid humor that is overly cruel, but not all humor is mean. You can find a world of things to laugh about that are completely benign.

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